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Achieve Great Hair Transplant Results with Shorter Sessions

One of the most common issues with patients presenting to our practice is affordability. Having a Hair Transplant procedure can be quite an expensive process particularly if the upfront costs are high. In fact, many patients put off having their procedure because they are unable to afford a large expensive procedure.

A great solution is to divide the one large procedure into several smaller procedures. You can still achieve the desired result, but a little at a time. Patients will find smaller visits less arduous, with better recovery times and less post-operative discomfort.

Dividing one larger procedure into multiple smaller procedures enables your doctor to better assess the progress of your hair growth over time. We can adjust the number of follicles required at following visits to achieve the best possible results.

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Geoff received 1800 grafts in total over 3 procedures.

Due to a limited budget, Geoff opted to divide his procedure over 18 months. 800 Follicular units were implanted into the frontal area during the first FUE procedure which took approximately 6 hours to complete. He was extremely happy with the coverage and almost decided to leave it there. However, he was keen to add density to the area and underwent a second procedure 8 months later to add another 600. A third procedure 18 months later was required to add further density to the frontal region.

Geoff is now extremely happy with the result and the number of follicles implanted. He feels much more confident and youthful and wishes he had undergone treatment sooner. Dividing his visits allowed us to assess his growth at various stages and add density to the areas of hair loss accordingly. Having overlapping visits also allowed us to implant the right amount of grafts: not too little and not too many.